發現了一個大隻妙:天馬羅素白葡萄酒。又是一個山旮旯、瀕臨絕種的葡萄;有心人華爾特.瑪莎 在80年代努力培植及不斷提倡下復活過來。古道熱腸的夢特巴拉酒莊當然也當仁不讓啦!熱愛保育傳統的馬龍度家族也支持保育天馬羅素葡萄,推出了天馬羅素。
我們蜓家人迷信,這陣子的狂風暴雨,是為了清洗街道,迎接各類神袛的來臨。諸如天后誕、洪聖誕、北帝誕、譚公誕等等。我在想下週的天后誕,用天馬羅素取代雙蒸米酒來供奉天后娘娘。自己也可以享受脆皮燒腩骨,配搭這個虎背熊腰妙曼白酒 !
A Glass of Emerald Green
Most men are very resistant to white wine. Could it be that men's bodies are generally alkaline, and the acidity in white wine makes them feel uncomfortable? But most men don’t resist Chateau D‘Yquem. Maybe it’s really because of its sweetness.
There are also some male wine lovers who never touch white grapes and only drink red wine. Most of the reasons are that they like the full body and thick texture of red wine. Generally, white wine is comparatively light bodied and not powerful enough.
Discovered a great thing: Timorasso white wine. Another grape on the verge of extinction; it was revived through hard work and constant advocacy by a dedicated man named Walter Massa in the 1980s. Of course, Montalbera Winery, which is a hot spot on the ancient trail, also does its part! The Morando family, who loves preserving traditions, also supports the preservation of the Timorasso grape and launched the Timorasso label.
As soon as I opened the bottle cap, the aroma of Australian pear bombarded me. Swirling the wine glass, a lot of green fruits appeared in my mind: Lime, muskmelon, guava peel, apple. The aroma of quince, brown quince and Japanese crystal quince is particularly outstanding, with a nutty flavor of almond and hazelnut in the middle, lightly mixed with some flint and graphite. The finish is smooth and the aftertaste are amazingly long! It goes better with prosciutto than her folk Arneis white wine.
I opened a bottle last Friday, and today it is still very aromatic and pleasant. I anticipate a 15 to 20 years of cellaring potential.
We, the Tanka, are superstitious. The violent storms these days are to clean the streets and welcome the arrival of various gods and goddess. Such as Tin Hau, Hong Sing, Bei Emperor's Birthday, Tam Kung's Birthday and so on. I'm thinking about the Tina Hau Festival next week, offering Timorasso instead of double distilled rice wine to worship the Tin Hau. I can also enjoy the suckling roasted pork belly, paired with this sturdy 、burly white wine!

Montalbera Calypsos Colli Tortonesi Timorraso DOC Derthona 2022 0.75L
蒙特巴拉 卡聶索 天馬羅素 2022 0.75L
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