每次到茶樓他都點六安黑茶。平日他也只喝六安. 他說這茶太子也喝不壞。有時老人家嫌它淡,會放些陳皮在茶缸提香。普洱是上等貨不會放陳皮。如今卻人人都玩柑普、小青柑、還有陳皮屈普洱。
第三次確認六安如我外公說太子也喝不壞是在2007年。一天到訪我茶藝老師的辦公室,嗅到一股春尖味,馬上追查“芳蹤”。 老師也揶揄我狗鼻子。原來那年國內打貪;有某高幹給雙規,訂了的春茶撻訂,一批上好的貨流落民間,是孫義順的春尖。老師有少量配額。一試之下,驚為天人,精緻的結構,細膩的棗香如在喝極品的紅棗水,還有蜜棗的甜香,十二泡有餘香。從來沒有想像過孫二順可以這麼美味、滋味!我二話不說,馬上買了一大籮。它的包裝有別於過去買過的。老孫二順多使用380克裝小竹籮。這春尖是用200克裝小竹籮。不久,一位朋友到我家海鮮香檳宴。朋友之前一晚加班到通霄,才喝了一口酒,馬上就過敏。身上皮膚都發紅。我馬上泡了這個2007孫義順春尖給她解酒。才喝了兩泡,原本都發紅的手,從指尖開始,紅疹開始退下,膚色從紅色一截一截變白,就是鄉玩魔術般,戴上一個白手套。
要品嚐孫義順六安, 不需要付百多萬,2022年8月18日,下午2:00-6:00, 歡迎親臨我們辦公室上環無限極廣場20樓,免費品嘗2007年孫義順貢尖。如果想嚐30年代孫義順老茶。歡迎參加我們8月27日在吉瑞酒店中菜館“潤”舉辦的“孫義順3年份垂直品鑑午宴”;可以一邊享受洪師傅的廚藝和細味老中青三代孫義順六安茶。
沒有黨,我也沒有機會體會用平易近人的價錢,享受到鼎鼎大名的孫義順! 所以要感謝黨 !
時間:下午2:00 至 6:00 歡迎預約
時間:12:00 pm-15:00pm
地點:灣仔瑞吉酒店中菜廳 “ 潤 ”
費用:每位HKD998 + 10%
Tina’s Tea Talk: Qi Men Duo
My mom seldom talked about her family. My great grandfather ran a fleet of cargo ship along the Pear River. In this trade, it was inevitable to have bad blood with pirates. My grandfather was kidnapped by pirates several times for ransoms. He was so scared to go to school. During the Japanese occupant, my great grandfather’s fleet was confiscated. Since then, grandpa was sent to a carpenter as apprentice. He was very stylish. He always dressed like Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones. Most of the furniture at home was made by him. The 2 very classic items are: a double layered bed, with a mini study on the upper layer, and a storage compartment at the lower layer, and a little stool with a whole on top as a baby training potty.
His Favorite tea is Liu An dark tea. Every time in a Dim Sum Restaurant, he ordered this tea and told us that even the weakest man would have no problem with it. The taste of this tea is very weak, he used to add mandarin peel to age with this tea to enhance the flavour. He said that Puer tea was premium and should be drunk straight. Nowadays people like putting tea in a small mandarin shell.
As influence by grandpa, I have a bias that Liu An is an everyday tea and I never study it seriously. Until one day 20 years ago, my senior tea classmate Mr. Man offered me a small handful of 100 years old Sun Yi Shun (the brand) Liu An to heal my flu. The tea “Qi “was powerful with fast penetration. I drank three cups, went home, and slept like a baby. The effect was amazing.
The second time I discovered the healing function was that I bought some back vintage Sun Yi Shun Liu An of the 1930’s. The tea juice was clear with red hue like red dates soup. The purity and smoothness was indescribable. On the palate, it was like nothing. Very light body and so silky that it slipped down my throat without notice. The aroma was very subtle like betel nut blossom and glutinous rice. Tea “Qi” was moderate and subtle as well. It quietly ran through my finger tips and my eyelids lowered.
The third time that I eye witnessed the healing function of Liu An was in 2007. One day I dropped by my tea mentor’s office and smelled spring flowers. It was typical aromas of spring first flush tea. I immediately asked my mentor the source of the aroma. My mentor teased me and called me doggy nose. There was an anti -corruption campaign in the Mainland China that year. A senior official of the Party was arrested and he declined his order of a batch of first flush Sun Yi Shun Liu An tea. My mentor managed to get some allocation. I tasted it and dropped my jaw! The structure was very refined and the aroma of red dates and Jujube was very delicate like drinking the juice of top quality of the kind. It was still very tasty after 12 infusions. Of course I bought it. The packaging is different from the Liu An I used to buy. Instead of 380g per basket, it was in 200g small basket. I have never imagined that Liu An can be this tasty! Later a very good friend visited me for Champagne and seafood feast. She worked overnight the night before and was very allergic to alcohol and shell fish. Her skin turned all red rash from head to toe after a bit of wine and dine. I brewed some 2007 Liu An for her and something magical happened! She drank 2 small cups and after a while, the rash subsided from finger tips to wrists as if she was wearing a pair of white gloves.
I then tried to study more about Liu An. There are too many theories about the origin, especially when the recent auction price of a 4 litre bamboo basket costs HKD 1.8 million. There are two relatively reliable theories about the origin of Liu An. Some believe that it is from Anhui, Huo Shan of Da Bie Mountain. Some think that it is from Qimen. It seems my 2007 first flush has the same aroma of the Qi Men Black Tea.
The Qi Men aroma cannot be copied. It is exactly like the terroir of wine that it represents the uniqueness of the soil. The structure is dainty, refined and classy. The nose is delicate and subtle. The after taste is like rock sugar and honey. Only the very hidden tannin reminds you the it is tea. Qi Men Black is regarded as one of the top three black tea of China. Qi Men Tea Tree is grown in many other countries such as India, Sri-Lanka, and as far as to Russia. It is out of my expectation that making Qi Men tea dark tea is even more aromatic than black tea.
It is believed that once up on a time, one herbalist name Dai used Liu An tea as a catalyzer in his herbal tea and successfully out bit a pandemic. The medical function of Liu An was then spread everywhere! I witnessed the “White Glove” incident and I never doubted its effectiveness. I am not sure if the recent sky-rocketing price of Liu An is related to the current Covid.
You do not have to spend a million to taste Sun Yi Shun Liu An. Please join us for tasting of 2007 Sun Yi Shun first flush on 18 Aug 2022 Thursday from 2:00 to 6:00pm. If you would like to taste the 1930’s Sun Yi Shun, please join our tasting lunch as “Run “ at St. Regis Hotel on 27 Aug 2022 Sat at 12:00pm. You can taste vertically 3 vintages of Sun Yi Shun and enjoy Chef Hong’s great food.
Free Tasting of Sun Yi Shun 2007 Imperial First Flush
Date: 18 Aug 2022 Thursday
Time: 2:00pm to 6:00pm (guests who book in advance will be prioritised )
Venue: 20/F Infinitus Plaza 199 Des Voeux Road Central
Vertical Tasting Lunch of Sun Yi Shun
Date: 27 Aug 2022 Saturday
Time: 12:00pm -15:00pm
Venue: Run at St Regis Hotel (limited seats of 7)
Price: HKD998 + 10% per head