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寡人有疾 寡人犯賤 Stockholm Syndromes

寡人有疾 寡人犯賤


曾經介紹過夏 雅的唐突和S M 都是經典的惡搞。




其中一個GSM的標韱叫"斯德哥爾摩症候群"。曾經戲虐但願此生找不到患"斯"症的老公丶也得找個有"斯"症的老闆。莊主Manfred Krankl 這惡搞也真到位;越貴越要等越要買。冗長的中文翻譯,倒不如乾脆叫"犯賎"吧!


Stockholm Syndromes

In general, content of a bottle of good wine should well express the characteristic of the terroir it shows on its label honestly. I like those eccentric, witty wine makers labelling their wine creatively.

“Sacrilege” and “SM “ of Xavier Vins are classic examples of mischiefs .

Sine Qua Non is a Master of mischiefing labels in California. Literally the name means “without it, it is nothing “.

For harnessing marketing gimmick, I guess those cult leaders in California are second to none, such as Screaming Eagle and Harlan. Other than seducing collectors by means of membership club system and limited edition, Sine Qua Non never repeats the same label, same technique and the same Cuvée. In addition, they have every year a new artistic design of the label luring wine fans to collect them like collectors toys satisfying the desire to collect and to speculate. No wonder there are always 4000 buyers in the queue.

Of course, without outstanding and consistently quality, please don’t even think of buyers lining up to buy. Several vintages and labels of Sine Qua Non have 100 full scores.

“Stockholm Syndrome” with GSM blend is one of them . I once made this joke: if I cannot get a husband with Stockholm syndrome, then I wish I can have a boss with it.

Wine maker Manfred Krankl ‘s mischief is super sarcastic and straight to the point. The more expensive the wine is, the more the fans would want to wait and to have it. To make long story short, the psychology term could probably be translated to “self sought condescended “.

My dear girl friends, day dream is unreachable. Self indulgence of buying a bottle of Stockholm Syndrome is easier.

蘇富比和佳士得拍賣會上的寵兒! 再不收就來不及了!

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