Cerbaiona Brunello Di Montalcino 斯巴尼奧庄園 蒙絲娜 1986
Cerbaiona Brunello di Montalcino
Cerbaiona produces elegant, widely recognized wines. The Brunello di Montalcino is complex and firmly structured offering a distinctive, lasting impression of the Sangiovese character.
The Cerbaiona estate was established with the 1981 vintage by former pilot Diego Molinari, and from 1982 onwards they have performed flawlessly. Daniel Thomases, the senior critic of Robert Parker's Wine Advocate, rates the estate as closest to Case Basse di Soldera, the most expensive and sought after Brunello on the market. Like Soldera, the wines are aged in the "old style" with Slavonian tonneaux as opposed to the fashionable French barriques. The "Commander," as this pilot is commonly called, creates a consistent style of pure elegance backed with power.
斯巴尼奧莊園出產優雅而知名的葡萄酒. 這款蒙絲娜是內涵而結構牢固, 桑喬維索的個性提供一個獨特而持久的印象.
由前飛行員迭戈. 莫利納利 (Diego Molinari) 創建斯巴尼奧莊園並與1981年份的酒釀一起成立. 自1982年起,他們已經表現堪稱完美. 丹尼爾·多馬(Daniel Thomases), 羅拔·帕克(Robert Parker ) 的Wine Advocate高級評論家, 評這酒莊作為最接近最昂貴的巴斯. 索得拉葡萄酒(Case Basse di Soldera) ,和現在市場追捧的布瑞內羅紅葡萄酒 (Brunello). 像索得拉酒莊一樣, 酒釀陳化在 '舊式' 的斯拉夫尼亞木桶相對於時髦法國酒桶. 這名飛行員通常被稱為“指揮官”建立一個一貫優雅純潔的風格來背襯他的權力.
Vintage 年份:
Country Origin 原產地:Tuscany – Italy 意大利 托斯卡納
Varietal Grape 葡萄品種:Sangiovese 桑喬維索
Tasting Note 鑒賞:This wine\'s intriguing aromatic complexity, which offers up scents of iodine, Asian spices, tobacco, dried herbs, smoke, and cherry fruit, is thought provoking. Round, generous, and rich, with considerable complexity, this Brunello exhibits decent acidity, an expansive palate, and an evolved, complex personality
此款擁有內涵芬香的奇妙佳釀給予一種碘味, 東方香料, 煙草, 乾藥草, 煙霧和櫻桃果實的味道, 真的是令人回味. 圓潤, 豐厚, 濃郁而有內涵的蒙絲娜酒釀, 蒙絲娜展示出適當的酸度使餘韻擴散而發展為有內涵的個性.