Champagne Jose Dhondt Brut N.V.- Blanc de Blancs-Grand Cru Oger 祖塞·東 白中白
Jose Dhondt
It was in 1974 that Jose Dhondt produced his first wine as a Recoltant-Manipulant. Prior to this date, the family sold their grapes off to the big Champagne Houses such as Philliponnat. Today their holdings are located mostly in the famous Oger of Cote des Blancs, conferring to their wines a marked terroir definition. 5 ha over several parcels. The vineyard was mostly planted in the early 1980’s. “Mes Vieilles Vignes” were planted in 1949.
祖塞·東在1974年時生產了他的第一批農家自釀(用自己種植的葡萄釀造的葡萄酒)(Recoltant-Manipulant)。在這之前,他的家族都是將自己種植的葡萄賣給其他大規模的香檳酒莊例如菲獵龐納。現時他們的莊園主要坐落于著名的白丘(Cote des Blancs)奧索村,充分反映該區的屬土風格。5公頃地只生產出數桶葡萄,大部分葡萄藤在1980年代早期種植,而“我的老藤”系列的葡萄藤則是在1949年種植。
Country Origin 原產地:
Grand Cru Oger, Côte des Blancs , Champagne
香檳 白丘區 奧索村頂級產區
Varietal Grape 葡萄品種:
100% Chardonnay 100%莎當尼
Tasting Note 鑒賞:
Light golden colour Delicate and refined–long finish on the palate-surprisingly refreshing. Fresh fruit aromas.
色澤呈淺金黃色 在口中精緻微妙的餘韻讓人驚奇的清爽 新鮮的水果芬芳.
Critic's Rating 專家點評:92RP