Champagne Serveaux Fils Chardonnay Brut 塞弗白中白乾香檳
Serveaux Brut
Equally attached to ancestral values, the Serveaux family makes champagne according to the same precepts and practices of their forebears, the secrets of which have been haded down over the generations. Every stage in the vinification process is carried out on the estate, from pressing and the first fermentation through to bottle fermentation, riddling and disgorging. Nicolas and Pascal Serveaux have succeeded in astutely combining time-honoured techniques with modern technology. If every one of their champagnes is unique, it's because Serveaux's Family have long-since discovered the secret of the relation between Man and Nature at that most critical of moments -blending.
Vintage 年份:NV
Country Origin 原產地:香檳 (馬恩河谷) VALLEE DE LA MARNE