Domaine Les Carmels Les Vendanges AOC Cadillac -Cote de Bordeaux卡繆酒莊 豐收 2014 0.75
Domaine Les Carmels
It is a husband and wife, small , boutiques, sustainable producer .
In 2010, Yorick and Sophie Lavaud took over 5 hectares of vine that they cultivated directly in organic farming. They felt in love with the place: only one block of vines surround a nipple made up of clay of all the colours, an in-depth calcareous bed rock and gravel on the surface. The vine is very well settled since decades. Yorick is passionate by agronomy in general and more specially by the vine. He didn’t consider the vine independently from the environment in which if fits. That’s very significant to him to maintain a rich ecosystem and a great heterogeneity. Vine treatments are reflected and fortified by herbal teas and compost teas made in the Carmels. Yorick also planted an orchard with about 50 different tree varieties different and a familial vegetable garden of 50 acres. In the futur, it will have market gardening in the Carmels that is necessary to have optimal floral diversity. That is to say that Yorick is an agricultural engineer in love with the nature. Sophie is taking care of commercialization of the wine and administration of the estate. With the time, she acquired great knowledge on the wine and their specified farming in order to highlight faithfully Yorick’s work. She is passionate of wine, its secret, its complexity which leads to constant and necessary reassessment. Sophie is also Yorick’s confidant, when there are choices to make in the vine or in the cellar. They take and assumed all the decision together. Over farming and running the estate, Yorick and Sophie has built their nest in the middle of Domaine Les Carmels, and they are blossoming with their family in contact with nature.
This Les Vendages 2014 has been aged in French oak for 18 months. Annual production 3000 bottles only.
這是一個精品小莊。夫妻檔,可持續。約力克和蘇菲共同打理5傾葡萄園, 人手有機種植。他們熱愛這色彩斑斕的土地, 有黏土,岩土和麻石。 葡萄藤已有好幾十年。約力克本身是農藝師,精攻葡萄,但他的莊園卻有不同的莊稼。有50畝地種了50種不同的樹木。他相信物種多元化的好處以及建立了一個微型生態系統在莊園上。滅蟲除草都用草本藥茶, 施肥是天然堆肥。蘇菲負責推銷以及商務。蘇菲也是一個釀酒的高手。一切的配方都是夫妻檔秘密泡製。他們的家就在葡萄園中央。
這2014 豐收標以法國橡木桶陳18個月。年產僅限3000瓶。
Country Origin 原產地:
Cadillac-Cote de Bordeaux A.O.C, Entre - Deux - Mers , Bordeaux, France 法國 波爾多 安他多馬區 卡地雅河谷
80% Merlot / 20% Cabernet Franc
80% 美樂珠/ 20% 品麗珠
80% 美樂珠/ 20% 品麗珠
Tasting Note 鑒賞:
Blackcurrant and Vanilla, soft spice and pepper, freshness and volume . Beautiful colour , still young crimson, brilliant, delicate nose, floral , peony violet, liquorice, spicy, peppery. vanilla stick, cherry, black fruits, supple , round thin tannin.
Critic's Rating 專家點評:
2 Stars Guide Haccette 法國專業葡萄酒賣手指南2星