DYB Golden Smile Naturally Brewed Soy Sauce /No Sugar Added 豆油伯金美滿無添加糖釀造醬油 180ml
Dou You Bo
Zhu Tian of Ping Dong is a very sunny area of Tainan.It is the town of soya sauce.
Founder Mr. Li An Tian started as a junior in big factory. In those days , monotonous hard core saltiness is the main stream style. Mr Li insisted soya sauce should be natural with original aroma of soya.So he started his own factory in 1972 clinging on old traditional style taking the best of adventure of the terroir of Ping Dong and made real soya sauce of Taiwan.
With full respect of the Mother Nature , Dou You Bo works closely together with local organic farmers to grow natural soya without any genetic engineered, nor chemicals and insists making soya with their own character.
Tasting Notes
A healthy recommendation , concentrated and pure without added sugar. Brewed with whole bean, not skimmed soya. It is a version of the original juice without dilution. It is a blend of non genetic engineered yellow soya and barley. Pure , sweet ,medium bodied with natural aromas, mouth filling with long finish. Suitable for marinating, stir frying, seasoning and braising.It is an all purpose yellow soya sauce. Gluten and iodine free and it passed the multiple SGS test.