Grenache Blanc 2014 Vents du sud
Domaine Vents du Sud
The winery was founded in 2006 by the acquisition of the farmhouse and vineyard plots by Florence and Jean-Claude. Their choice has always been to focus on product quality and preservation of the natural environment and enhancing the local sun exposure and grapes. The plots are 13 for a total area of 5.5 hectares. All of their grapes are picked fresh in the morning and manually transported in crates to preserve the quality of the grapes. The wine pressing and manipulations are carried out smoothly in accordance with the product lifetime. Aging of wines is done in French oak barrels for 15 months. Bottling is made with care in the winery to produce wines of high quality.
Vintage 年份:
Country Origin 原產地:
Roussillon, France 法國 蒿詩雍
Varietal Grape 葡萄品種:
Grenache blanc 白格納殊
Tasting Note 鑒賞:
Clear golden color, dense wine, round, slightly toasted notes of citrus, good acidity. Chinese cedar the up front and develops into crushed banana then later chocolate.
清純色澤金黃,口感濃郁和圓潤的酒,稍為有柑橘的點綴而良好的酸度就享用 乾段香氣如楠木 . 氧化令它變得像搾香蕉繼而是巧克力。