Movia Sauvignon 莫飛雅長相思 2012
Country Origin 原產地:
Brda, Slovenia 斯洛文尼亞 -布瑞達
Varietal Grape 葡萄品種:
Sauvignon 100% 長相思 100%
Tasting Note 鑒賞:
Sauvignons age well. Ideally the color is straw-yellow with shades of green. Sauvignon produced in Slovena winegrowing regions develops a strong bouquet with distinct notes of bell peppers, hay and elderflower. Plant selection and differences in the mineral content of soils have developed two distinct types of this wine: Sauvignons from the Podravje region exhibit a prevalent elderflower perfume, while the Primorska wines give greater emphasis to hay notes. Oenologists cannot agree whether this is merely a result of different environments or a true variation, though a few successful transplants of the \"elderflower\" Sauvignon to the Primorska region would warrant the latter.
長相思陳化得很好. 理想情況下,顏色為草黃色而具有綠色色彩. 長相思在斯洛文尼亞的葡萄種植地區生產, 具有甜椒,乾草和接骨木花的獨特味道而顯影出一個強烈的芳香. 植物的篩選和在礦物沃土的差異令開發了兩種不同類型的這種酒: 從德拉瓦(Podravje)地區開發了長相思, 這是呈現出流行的接骨木花香水, 而沿海地區的葡萄酒更加強調花粉的點滴. 釀酒學家不同意這是否僅僅是不同環境的結果或是真正的變化所做成, 而透過少數成功的移植在沿海地區的\'接骨木花\'長相思來保證後期的品種.
Critic's Rating 專家點評:RP: 90