Xavier SM NV
Here SM does not refer to psychiatric terminology (sadomascochism) but astronomy terms of Septerntrional and Meridional , Latin terms meaning the North and the South.
The cuvee is 50% of 60 years old Syrah from 12 parcels of different characteristic terroirs from Northern Rhone and 50% 80 years old Grenache from 13 parcels Southern Rhone. All parcels chosen have gone through detail mineral salts analysis for the outstanding concentration they offered. Terroirs cannot be revealed because of legal reason and it allies several vintages.
As usual, Xavier is bona fide for biodynamic approach though not officially registered. Multi-layers manual harvesting and polyphenol of berries is analyzed on a daily basis to decide harvest time. It is all hand made with the least human intervention.
Xavier used to be the master blender of Dom Perignon and leading consultant of Cloudy Bay. As oenologist and agronomist, his core business is consulting from vineyard to cellar. Xavier vins is a négociant acquiring wine from producers who hire his service.
Country Origin 原產地:
Rhone Valley - France
Varietal Grape 葡萄品種:
50 % Syrah, 50% Grenache
50施赫 , 50% 格納殊
Critic's Rating 專家點評:
RP 94