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About Those Pinks 春雨綿綿話桃紅



想起桃紅,我輩誰不識葡萄牙的蜜桃紅Mateus Rose ? 她從1980至1989都是全港銷量冠軍。但有品味的酒客當年泡妞會在酒店開法國輕巧的Rose D’Anjou或者厚重的Tavel Rose。Tavel其實很耐陳。下期跟大家推介一瓶好Tavel.

然後80年代初流行加州的「胭脂酒」。是用勁度的黑葡萄短期浸泡變成略深色於桃紅較甜的酒。印象中應該是Sutter Home 首先玩Zinfandel 胭脂酒,流行了一會又沉寂了。

近年桃紅風又颳起來。一向推祟傳統的Montalbera 也玩了淥淇胭脂。十分可愛。不用等,即開即香,必須冰鎮。丹寧軟滑,紅白肉偕宜。作為餐前開胃酒也不俗。玫瑰香貫徹始終,夾雜廿草、豆蔻、草莓丶杏子。涼涼的下火鍋也十分可愛。


About Those Pinks

Waken up by the sirens of ocean liners, I guess this morning Lamma must have been covered by fog. Indeed Winter Solstice passed and it will soon be the flowering season for peach blossoms.

Hong Kong Chinese call Rose wine as “Peach Blossom Red “literally. Drinkers of my same vintage must have tried the Portuguese Mateus Rose. She used to be the best seller in HK from 1980 to 1989. However tasteful gentlemen in those days will only buy their dates in hotels a French rose wine, such as light and vivid Rose D’Anjou or full bodied Tavel. Indeed Tavel is with longer bottle life and awesome. I shall introduce you a good bottle next time.

Then in the early 80’s, Californian Blush wine was once very popular. It is made from powerful black grapes with short time skin contacts resulting in a deeper pink to pale brick in color and a sweeter wine. As far as I remember, it was Sutter Home who started it with a Blush Zinfindal. The Blush Trend became quiet since then.

Recently Rose wine is becoming popular again. Montalbera who tends to be traditional made a Ruche Blush. It is very lovely and pleasant. No need to air, pretty enjoyable once opened, but need to be chilled. Very soft tannin, goes well with both red and white meat. It is also cool to be an aperitif. Aromas of rose dominant form beginning till the end, mingling with licorice, nutmeg, strawberry and apricot. Since it should be served chilled, it is also good for hot pot.

Today, the vision of political and financial situation is like a mist everywhere. It is time to cheer up by some Blush wine! Cheers!

Montalbera Ruche 2.0 0.75
蒙特巴拉淥淇2.0 0.75

Original 原價每瓶HKD220/btl

Special 特價每瓶HKD168/btl

Cheer Up Price  沖喜價
6 bottles HKD138/btl
12 Bottles HKD128/btl
24 Bottles HKD98/btl

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-HKD 3000 for free delivery or HKD120 surcharge .三千圓訂單免運費,三千圓以下運費每次港幣120。
-Pick up at our office at designated date will waver delivery charge. 約定日子到本公司辦公室自取免運費
-Delivery to PRC and Macau to be quoted separately.澳門國內運費另報
-Valid until 20Jan 2019.優惠期至2019年1月20日

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