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聖誕大尋寶 Christmas Treasure Hunt!


聖誕大尋寶 內有康帝望嚇死 邋遢豬

錯過了義大利遠年生日年份酒的朋友,今趟又有新寶藏,豐儉由人。快來享受尋寶樂 !

Christmas Treasure Hunt! From DRC, Henri Jayer to Louis Latour

For those who missed last time’s Italian back vintages, here comes good news! From price friendly to super star bottles.
Let’s enjoy shopping!

-pre-arrival products 預售貨品
-100% advance payment to secure order百分百預付確認訂單
-Availability subject to written confirmation 供應量須書面確認
-Prices do not include France to HK consolidated air- shipping. Cost of shipping to be quoted according to order quantity separately 價格不含法國到香港集裝空運費用,視乎訂貨量另報
-Minimum order HKD 3000 for HK local free delivery or surcharge of HKD150 訂單三千港幣以上免本地運費, 或附加費港幣150
-In case we loss the bid , full amount to be refund without interest within 14 working days.如不中標,全數貨款14工作天以內不含利息奉還
-Macau and PRC delivery charge and duty to be quoted separately.澳門國內運費稅費另報

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