說話起Rose Wine , 有人譯玫瑰紅、有人譯桃紅;不管叫什麼名字 ,顏色都讓人賞心悦目。
Rose Wine 可以是由紅葡萄釀,也可以用白葡萄酒混紅葡萄酒釀;但在法國,AOC級別的桃紅就必須用紅葡萄釀,香檳卻例外。香檳區的桃紅香檳可以是紅酒加白酒,也可以全部用紅葡萄釀製。
桃紅香檳中的血紅香檳,是飲家們不容錯過的精品。是100% 紅葡萄釀製。為了濃艷的桃紅色,釀製時拿掉初壓的葡萄汁,連葡萄皮一起浸泡發酵72小時。過程中要時時刻刻觀察,不容有失;不然整缸酒就泡湯了。這是一個十分勞動力密集的工序,所以一般大酒莊絕不願意生產,不划算肯定過不了財務把關,要嚐血紅葡萄香檳只能從小農香檳莊裏找。 事實上,整個香檳區,血紅香檳只佔總產量的5%。
格拉茲奧香檳莊始自1864年,是一個果敢而前衛的家族。一開始就聚焦於他們家的粉品諾葡萄。但女兒阿滿娜接手做當家,就開發了阿滿娜系列,祖輩承傳下來的配方榮升為“ 渴求” 系列。一老一少,互相輝映。
阿滿娜3號是一瓶混了白葡萄的桃紅香檳,但是78%的粉品諾是用血紅香檳的方法釀製。因為不是100%都用血紅方法,標籤上就不能使用血紅。19%的白葡萄莎當尼葡萄加添一份高雅滑溜 。白花、柚子、草莓、紅漿果香氣洋溢。作為餐前開胃酒,或餐後配甜品都理想不過。配草莓會驚艷。
The Last Rose of Summer
It is now late September but the weather is still very hot. I guess Rose will be most suitable wine for this weather.
Rose wine colour is always appealing. It can be made from all red grapes, and it can be a blend of both red and white. However, in France, all AOC level of Rose wine must be solely from red grapes except in Champagne.
The Rose de Saignee Champagne is the crown jewel among Rose Champagne. It has to be 100% red grapes. To get this deep beautiful rosy colour, the first press of juice is taken away generate deep pink colour. During the first 72 hours of fermentation, the whole tank of wine has to be observed non- stop. Otherwise, the over fermentation will result in vinegar. Most big Champagne House will avoid making Rose de Saignee due to the high cost of labor intensiveness. To taste Rose de Saignee Champagne, you have to seek it among Grower Champagne houses. Indeed among the whole Champagne region, Rose de Saignee occupies only 5% of the whole region’s production.
Gratiot family makes Champagne since 1864. They are a very avant-garde and courageous family. They focus on Pinot Meunière grape since day one, When Almanach takes over the position as the chief, she developed the Almanach line. The traditional cuvees of her forefathers became the “Desire “line. Both the new line and the old series are spectacular。
Almanach No 3 is blended with 78% Rose de Saignee of Pinot Meunière. Since it is not 100%, they cannot use rose de Saignee on the label. The 17 % of Chardonnay adds elegance and smoothness. It is overwhelmed with aromas of white flower, citrus, strawberry, red berries. An ideal choice as apéritif or pairing with desserts. You will have a sweet surprise when pairing with Strawberries.

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